Photo Entries - Congratulations to the Winners
Blue Minnow Lake from Blueberry Hill Gazebo - anonymous
Title: Tip toe through the blueberries - Susan Loewan
Blueberry caterpillar - Linda Derkacz
Tasty Handful - Sandi Hughes
Blue Berry Angel - Mark and Darielle Palumbo
Blue Berry Bear with Pine Cones - Darielle Castonguay Palumbo
Harvest Time - Susan Loewen
Delicious - Linda Derkacz
Poppa's Pie (being picked for 84 year old grandfather) Ella Curtis
Poppa's Pie and Sun Kissed Berries - Austin Kurtis
Lowell's Dragon - Chantelle Gorham
Abundance Hugh Kruzel
Blue Bayoo - Chantelle Gorham
My Mother's Hands - Chantal Larochelle
Blueberry Dew - David W. Hay
Blueberry Eye PH 16 - Lisette Leduc
Blueberries on the Rock Lisette Leduc
Blue Eyed Girl (Cat) - Natasha Boyuk
Blueberry Cake - Sidney Skrobot - Alari Aho
Blueberry Fingers - Carmine Fabiilli
Three Hands Grandma, Mom and Son - Seamus Murphy
Spring Peeper on Blueberries - Shauna Murphy